The easiest booking application to set up and manage

Step up from using Google calendar for booking rooms. Save time. Includes user permissions and invoicing from a CSV file.

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4 steps to set up your Listing now!

Fill out the Listing Form to represent your business

Step 1

Take a photo of your building

Fill out the Listing Form to represent your business

Fill out a Room Form for each room

Step 2

Take a photo of your room

Fill out a Room Form for each room

Add the email address of each user you already have who book your rooms.

Step 3

Add any current users to your list

Add the email address of each user you already have who book your rooms.

The easiest room booking interface for your customers

Step 4

What your app will look like

The easiest room booking interface for your customers

No credit card - Set up now - 30 day free trial - Unlimited locations, spaces and users.

After 30 days you will be offered an "early adopter" 6 month subscription for one payment of US$138.

Screenshot of the qikbook app's booking interface, featuring a left sidebar with building options, a central panel displaying various meeting rooms with images and pricing, a profile section at the top showing user bookings, and a right sidebar with a detailed timeslot schedule and a notes section.
Screenshot of the qikbook app's booking interface, featuring a left sidebar with building options, a central panel displaying various meeting rooms with images and pricing, a profile section at the top showing user bookings, and a right sidebar with a detailed timeslot schedule and a notes section.


E: [email protected] Ph: 0064 27 232 7078

Your locationcan be found (if you choose) in QikBook Search in every user's app.
Add new usersto your list so they can see full availability and instantly book in 3 taps.
User permissionscan be set for each user on a per location per room basis.
Book on-behalfof users on any device - allowing them to request a booking however they wish, via phone, email etc.
Add labels and tagsto your users for your own reference and to sort bookings.
Have paying and non-paying users.Select which users pay hire fees and which do not.
Allow cancellations by users- but only by those users you select and even on a room by room basis.
Easy cancellationsare made on the same page you make bookings on.
User name privacyfor users who book. Only user and admin can see user's name on the calendar.

And more on the way...

Chat and messaging, Prepaid and discounts, Direct access

More videos on QikBook's Youtube channel

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Create a Listing

Set up your app by creating a Listing folder and then add your rooms and then your existing customers (users). Done. (1:51min)

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Make a booking

User makes a booking - adds a description.

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Book on mobile

User makes a booking and a cancellation on mobile. (1.10min)

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Admin books on behalf of a user

Admin gets a booking request by phone from Charles and makes the booking on his behalf.

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Booking and Invoicing

User makes a booking and Admin invoices that user.

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Paying and non paying users

Admin sets permissions for 2 users - one who pays hire fees and one who gets free use of meeting rooms.

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Allow user to cancel

Select which users you will allow to cancel their own bookings.

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Compare booking Acuity, Zoho, Optix, MeetingHub, Hamlet, Nexudus, OfficeRND, Skedda and QikBook

This is a quick comparison of the booking flow or method used by each.